Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Haunting Questionnaire

Do you feel your home is haunted? Find out if it is and with what paranormal entity it might be.

Please read each option carefully, then place them in the order of most significant to least.

1. Have you…

A) felt as though you are being watched by unseen eyes?

B) felt a constant presence of energy?

C) occasionally sensed a mild presence?

D) had occasional unsolicited and dark thoughts?

2. Have you…

A) seen a free floating orb or apparition?

B) felt inexplicably tired, sad or angry?

C) experienced repetitive and predicable anomalous activity like invisible footsteps on the stairs or in the hall at specific hours of the day?

D) had things go missing then turn up later in the same place you looked?

3. Have you…

A) felt something unseen touch you or brush up against you?

B) felt uncomfortable only in certain areas of the house?

C) had reoccurring issues with plumbing, electrical or appliances with no explanation?

D) Suddenly smelled a horrible smell with no explanation?

4. Have you…

A) had vivid and inexplicable dreams of ghosts in your house?

B) experienced more illness or depression since living in the home?

C) had toilets flush or taps turn on when no one was using them?

D) felt an evil or manipulative presence in the home or developed violent thoughts, suicidal or homicidal?

5. Have you…

A) seen glimpses of something or someone in your peripheral?

B) noticed that when you are not home, you have more energy and feel happier?

C) seen inexplicable flashes of light coming from the same location more than once?

D) started experiencing night terrors or experiencing scary paranormal activity while trying to sleep?

6. Have you…

A) heard disembodied whispers or voices patiently trying to speak with you?

B) had an overall change in mood and personality since moving into a new house?

C) heard a repetitive voice or noise from a certain location in the house?

D) starting experiencing paranormal activity since you or someone in the home has entered a hormonal change in their life?

7. Have you…

A) discovered within the history of the home that there was a death in the home or nearby?

B) moved into a home that has had one or more previous owners?

C) found doors or windows left open when no one was there?

D) been physically assaulted, pushed or scratched by an unseen force?

8. Have you…

A) had others in your home, guests, children or others in the home, acknowledge seeing an apparition?

B) noticed a feeling of overcast negativity hovering over your new home?

C) noticed occasional anomalous scents in your home, tobacco, perfume, etc.?

D) noticed the paranormal activity heightening and becoming more aggressive the more you notice it or get upset with it?

9. Have you…

A) noticed your pets calmly looking at or passively interacting with seemingly invisible beings?

B) noticed your family members becoming more apt to fight or withdraw since moving?

C) noticed your pet reacting to repetitive noises in the home?

D) noticed your pet behaving frightened for no apparent reason?

10. Have you…

A) noticed considerable drops in temperature occasionally in your home, especially when you feel the presence?

B) lost interest in many of the normal activities you used to enjoy since moving in the new home?

C) noticed that the presence doesn’t seem aware of your existence?

D) had the entity follow you outside the home?

11. Have you…

A) felt someone standing beside or sitting on your bed while you are sleeping?

B) had new physical ailments suddenly appear after moving to this home?

C) noticed only certain lights or appliances to be affected on a regular basis?

D) had the feeling of being possessed, missing time or had the entity claim to be a demon or the devil?

12. Have you…

A) felt that you communicated with the ghost and had a successful response?

B) had obsessive compulsive or paranoid thoughts pertaining to the home?

C) discovered that many people have lived in the home previously?

D) noticed the activity strength will fluctuate or quit suddenly without warning?

If A’s seem to be the most significant, you probably have a typical ghost haunting. The ghost being that of a previously living human being that has ties to the home. Either they passed on in the home or resided in the home at one point, they feel a connection with the home and most likely have some unfinished business to complete. Often times, these types of ghosts have a specific message or duty to perform to enable them to cross over to the other side. The best thing to do in this situation is to verbally voice your willingness to help them in any way you can. By extending the invitation to assist them, they learn they can trust you and will eventually convey their message or decide that they have been acknowledged and will go home.

If B’s are mostly at the top of your list, your home may be inflicted with residual energy. Negative energies imprinted into the home from former tenants of the home. Anger, sadness, depression and bitterness may have painted their energies into the very fibre of your home. New homes built from the ground up are very pleasant to live in not only for their new home look, but also because no one else has been there before you to imbed their toxic behaviours or personalities. The very best way to clear these homes of their negative energies is to imprint a constant flow of positive energy. Crystals are a very good addition to homes like these due their energy cleaning properties. Burning sweet grass or sage is also another effective way of charging the home with good energy. Having the home blessed can also encourage positive energy flow.

If you’ve chosen mostly C’s, your home is likely haunted by a redundant ghost. Occasionally, a deceased person can recreate an event in a home or environment and replay that moment over and over. Like a tape recorder trapped in time, the event or events that occurred in that home may simply continue day to day or on a special day of the year. These ghosts are not sentient and are not able to communicate, it’s simply a blip in the fabric of time. Honestly, there’s really no efficient way to rid yourself of these types of ghosts. Blessing or cleansing the home would definitely be a good option, but otherwise, it may just remain as a harmless addition to the home.

All D’s at the top of your list is of great concern. This indicates that a poltergeist is likely present in your home. These paranormal vermin have been around for centuries and create serious and dangerous adverse conditions in your home. They have been known to present themselves as demons, the devil or simply a pest. They are proficient at manipulating people and creating extreme stress within homes. As well as being physically aggressive, they are able to invade the human psyche and tap into emotional weaknesses. They feed exclusively off of negative energy so the more angry, sad or scared the inflicted family becomes, the stronger they grow. The only way to attempt to rid one’s home of these potentially dangerous ghosts is to ignore them and control your own energy. Similar to a toddler throwing a tantrum, simply walk away from any of their attempts to manipulate you. All attempts to rid them through positive reinforcement may only cause them to try harder and become more violent. Cutting off the supply of negative energy is the only way to force them to leave of their own accord.

* Note, it is very possible to have more than one type of paranormal disturbance in your home.

**All logical mental, physical and emotional explanations should be explored and ruled out first before considering the paranormal. (above taken from the Spirt Guide )


  1. I think that i really liked the quiz. i know what i am going to do, voice myself, and let them trust me. hopefully they will trust me and give me their message or leave.

  2. Hi Sarah thanks for the post. Well I can't take credit for creating the quiz, I'm glad it has help you. Do you think you have spirits visiting you in your home?

  3. I have recently purchased a home in Lansford Pa, I make settlement Sept 17 2010. The first time I went into this house I loved it and wanted to buy it, I decided to take picture and I noticed the presence of a man in the basement he showed up in my camera, but not in the picture. I have since been back to the house for the inspection and I took more photo's there are orbs everywhere, And in the kitchen there are wings that are wrapped around the walls. I was told it could be something trying to form itself, I thought maybe it could be angle wings? I love this house and I want to move there but I get sick to my stomach of the thought of moving there. I have been having bad dreams, that tell me to stay way from this house. I think it came back with me to my Apt. It is now attaching my grand daughter who is only 2 years old it talks to her and tells her to do bad things and she tell it no. I'm afraid it will hurt her and my family. I don't know what to do I have to move there this weekend comming. I have lost all my energy I feel so tired and sick, And scared to death. Please is there anyone that can help me? I need to get rid of whatever is in this house. I have proff in all my pictures,When I talk on my phone about my house the phone gets disconnected. And what I feel when I'm in the house. I was born with a gift I can see things and feel them and I also know when thing are going to happen.I just want to be able to move in the house and that my family would be safe... What can I do? is there anyone that can help me? Thank you Venus
