Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ghost Stories of Saskatchewan 3

Saskatchewan and ghost stories. They go together like a grinning scarecrow in a whisper-dry October field. In 1995, Dundurn successfully published and reprinted numerous times the original "Ghost Stories of Saskatchewan". Since that time, an eerie wealth of supernatural accounts have surfaced in this seemingly quiet prairie province.

In this third collection, a quiet cemetery appears to be a portal between the worlds of the living and the dead, a Victorian mansion-turned-restaurant in Moose Jaw remains occupied by the spectral image of the original lady of the house, and a weary traveler near Flaxcombe stops for coffee in a diner that burned to the ground a decade earlier. There are historical tales and personal accounts, legends and lore. And there is much to keep the dedicated ghost fan awake late into the night. Here the reader will find triple the history, mystery, and chills from one of Canada's established authors in the paranormal genre.

Jo-Anne Christensen is the author of several best-selling regional ghost story books and short-story collections, including Ghost Stories of Saskatchewan, More Ghost Stories of Saskatchewan, Ghost Stories of British Colombia, Campfire Ghost Stories, and Haunted Hotels. She lives with her family in Edmonton, Alberta, though her heart is always one province to the east.

Prairie Specters was happy to sit down and speak with Jo-Anne Christensen and are very happy to be featured in Ghosts Stories of Saskatchewan 3 as well as have a number of pictures inside as well. Thanks Jo-Anne! Can't wait for number 4!

Buy it today!


  1. I am not sure if I am leaving a post in the correct place or not but here it is.

    1)I have a picture of the outside of the Motherwell Homestead in Saskatchewan which features a lady's face in the top bedroom window. I want to know if anyone else has a picture or knows of this place being haunted. The lady in the window looks much like a picture in the living quarters of a lady that lived there. She looks as though she is looking right at my camera. I blew up the picture to an 8x10 and the lady's face remains clear as day.
    2)Last weekend, my boyfriend and I were traveling highway six north, on the way to Melfort. A deer crossed the highway so we slowed down. About five seconds after seeing the deer, I looked on the shoulder of the highway and saw two blurry figures, one was taller than the other. I grabbed my boyfriend's hand and said "did you see that" and he said "what, those blurs?" I looked at him then looked in the ditch and noticed that there was a cross, where someone had been in an accident. We were stunned and didn't know what to think of our experience. I noted that this occurrence happened about a mile from Green Meadow Road (heading north the cross is before this road.)
    Anybody else have these experiences??

  2. Hey there thanks for leaving a comment.

    The photo sounds real interesting as well as the story. Is the photo something you would want to share on this site? Feel free to visit the message board and post it in the Caught in Time section. I hope you enjoy the site.


  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hey there spirit world lovers! Just a quick comment about the shadowy figures on the side of the road. I drive truck for a living. One trip I saw a shadowy figure mid-day and was certain I just had a ghostly encounter! How excited was I?! The next day, a little further down the road, I saw it again! But this time got a better look at it. It was a swarm of tiny bugs, as wide as a man and about five feet high. Imagine my disappointment when I realized that's probably what I saw before. :( That may have been what you saw too, but who really knows?

    On another note, I am heading to, I think its called Henderson cemetery(from the first story in Saskatchewan ghost stories 3) tonight with my buddy. I don't live too far from the area so I know the general where abouts but I'd love some solid directions! Otherwise, I'm just as happy to drive around for hours looking for it. Haha! Thanks!


  5. Is there anybody willing to start a paranormal group, I am from St. Brieux, saskatchewan, and I feel like I've been haunted for a few years now ever since I saw that girl in my sister's house in saskatoon on 100 rupert drive. I say this because, everywhere I drive I see strange things at night, especially around melfort. Is there any proof to the St.Louis Ghost Train hauntings?
